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Imágenes realizadas al mismo tiempo que se estaba gestado la idea, ya hacían parte sin saber del instante decisivo de las nuevas reconstrucciones, como es arriba es abajo, como es ayer es hoy, se impone la tarea de un pensar que se adelanta a recorrer lo que se resiste ser explorado. Reflexión ulterior, algo que no se deja precisar. Sin embargo mientras pasa constantemente permanece como Tiempo.


Pictures taken at the same time, it was gestated the idea and they were part without knowing the decisive moment of the new reconstructions. As it is above it is below, as it was yesterday is today. It is imposed the task of thinking which anticipates exploring what resists being explored. Ulterior reflection, something does not let precise. However while it happens constantly, time remains.


The time it takes to create physical matter; the time it takes to create the biological body; the time it takes to create the organic body.



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